Have you ever thought of how great and powerful our God is? I just think about it and it amazes me. He is so amazing! For class at church, we used to watch Numa videos. There is one of them called Whirlwind, I think.. But anyways, in it, it talks about the book of Job. In Job 38-41, God is talking to Job because Job is questioning Him. He's kinda sarcastic in it, which I find funny. He says things like "Do you send the lightening bolts on their way? Do they report to you, 'Here we are'?" He's trying to tell Job all of this so Job wont doubt him and will trust in Him. If you continue to read through the chapters it keeps talking about how amazing and powerful God is. If I'm having a bad day, I just read through the chapters and it just makes me happy. Makes me remember that God is great all the time. He is more powerful than anything and with Him I can get through anything.
You are such a blessing! Love you!!